Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our amazing Easter Eggs (We get them everyday)

This won’t be a daily blog; but for the sake of the day I find the topic relevant. EGGS. If you eat eggs in any quantity, and have a yard, acquiring chickens can be a very rewarding and economically wise investment. Our four chickens give us two to four eggs a day; more in the spring and summer months when the sun is up longer. We could get them to produce more with lights but have chosen not to. Each egg is roughly between the size of a large and jumbo. I would estimate that we get about six dozen eggs a month. We feed our chickens a layer pellet that costs less than $20 a month. If you were to go to a grocery store and buy six dozen eggs they would cost about $12 for standard white and upwards of $20 for brown, organic, or cage-free. Economically, this is a push with some very great side benefits
We have our own Easter looking eggs in our refrigerator every week. That is because we have two Araucana chickens that lay bluish green eggs. We also have two that lay brown eggs and I forget what their breeds are at this point. Our yolks are much darker than store bought eggs. We also have a consistent source of fertilizer. Yes, they can be a bit messy, but they are no more hassle than a cat. When the kids are home they take on many of the responsibilities of maintaining the chickens and get the reward of first shot at the eggs, an all-around good thing.
As far as today being Easter, if this is a day full of garbage candy and plastic eggs I would appeal that it could be much more. Much of our belief stems from a feeling of gratitude that there is a God that is bigger than us. One that trusts us enough to take care of His Creation and loves us enough to save our souls. Happy Easter.
The egg on the left came from our chicken. The yolk is bigger and much darker. The cloudiness around it indicates freshness. They taste amazing.

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